Have a perfect smile!

Invisalign Braces

Good Candidate For Invisaligns

Who is a good candidate for invisaligns?

Invisalign spends millions of dollars every year on research and development implementing newer techniques every year to improve the treatment process, results and reducing the list of patients who used to not qualify for Invisalign Braces.

Following malocclusion problems can be addressed with Invisalign:

  • Overbite

  • Crowding

  • Gaps and spaces

  • Crossbite

  • Open bite

Your custom invisalign plan

Your Invisalign  braces are made especially for you. The Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible and fit snugly over your teeth.

Each set of Invisalign aligner shifts your teeth slightly; they move your teeth horizontally and vertically and even rotate them when needed. Your aligners are well designed to use the right amount of force in the right place at the right time.

When you switch to the next set of aligners (usually every week), your teeth slowly start to move into the new position, following the best Invisalign treatment plan created by Castillo Dental Group, our doctor Castillo.
Almost right away you should be able to see improvement in your smile.

How long do you wear each set of aligners?

Castillo Dental Group Invisalign patients wear each set of aligners five to seven days. However results may vary depending on each patient.

How often are checks-up?

Years of experience have proven that there is no need to come in more frequently than every six weeks. However, if you have questions, you can always call the office and talk either to our Doctor or his Invisalign treatment coordinator , who is very knowledgeable in the process and an Invisalign patient herself.

Clear your doubts

Invisalign Pros and Cons: PROS


The main reason behind why many Miami patients choose Invisalign braces over old metal braces is because the Invisalign braces are practically invisible!

No more humiliation because you decided to wear braces at the age 37. One of the biggest advantages of Invisalign is a way to perfect your smile without any embarrassment of the traditional braces.


We all are aware of the fact that the traditional braces are on until the whole process is over. What does this mean for your smile after that quinoa bowl you had for lunch or that chocolate bar you inhaled for a snack?

Well, there is a lot of cleaning to do before you can go back to your office. Food particles easily become lodged around and in between metal brackets; this makes the cleaning process more difficult for the patient and brings an unwanted build-up of plaque. To eat, brush and floss when you wear Invisalign braces a patient must remove Invisalign trays to ensure that oral hygiene is not affected by braces.

Another hailed benefit of having removable aligners is the ability to eat whatever you want. No exceptions!


The emission of toxins in the mouth from metal braces has long provided confusion to various health professionals. However, Invisalign presents a solution to the whole issue with BPA-free plastic liners, free of any harmful toxins.

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Invisalign Pros and Cons: CONS


Invisalign braces require patient compliance. Just like any orthodontic treatment, to get desired results braces must be worn!

Invisalign braces must be worn 22 hours a day regularly. If you don’t follow this rule, Invisalign treatment may have to be extended till the result is achieved.

Aligners need to be removed before meals

As discussed above, the aligners must be removed before eating or drinking anything apart from water.

Frequent teeth Cleaning

Invisalign needs a focused attention to oral hygiene. A gentle brushing and flossing must be done after eating any food.

While this may feel like an inconvenience at first, many patients have seen an unanticipated benefit of better oral hygiene and whiter teeth whitening during Invisalign treatment because of the frequent dental cleaning.

Additionally, some patients reported weight loss as they tend not to snack to avoid the trouble of removing the trays and frequent teeth brushing.

Woman with Invisaligns